Sunday, 14 July 2019

So that was London

Today is Sunday.  My last day in this part of London.  It is hot hummid and the first time it has
rained. My room here at the Imperial was so small I  could almost touch the walls when I extended my arms.....but it was in such a lovely square in Notting Hill (Princess Square) and literally 50 steps
away was the Prince Edward Pub.... Surrond me by Royalty say I.

I have been to the Royal Academy of Art's Summer was awesome so much art and
anyone in the world can apply perhaps next year!!!!!!!   Wednesday was another royal day off
to Kennsington Gardens and Kennsington Palace... Frankly I do not blame Megan M... for not
wanting to live there.   All those tourist in your back yard trasping around your garden eating hard
boiled eggs and sarnies (thats sandwich in English English).  Yup I too would have headed for
Windsor...much nicer more secluded.

Thursday was the Tate Britain with my (our - Jim and I) friend Pauline.  We wondered around
the British art thought the 20th century  Turner and Constable.  It is always a pleasure to see
the original art that filled our Art History text in person, even if it is not my particular interst.  We
got caught up in a Demonstration to free a far Right Radical Robbie Somebody or other.  The police
adviced us to move on which we did.  Which was good as it turned a little violent.

Friday was off to Kew Garden.  OMG there was a lot of ground to cover.  Pauline and I walked
and walked and walked.  there was a special Chihuly Exhibition.  His pieces where huge, one over
thirty feet that hung in the middle of a conservatory.  Huge white glass water lilies in the lilly pond
conservatory.  The most facinating (for me) was the Marianne North gallery.  In 1879 spinster Marianne North left England for 15 years travelling the world, mostly south America, etc and painted
When she returned she built a gallery and donated all 1,000 or so painting to Kew Garden.  This
is a must see.  Even if not your favourite art the shear volume and the intrepid spirt of this Victorian Lady was just awesome.

Saturday I got my train tickets sorted and walked Kennsington High Street.  Visited Cass art
supplies hmmmm less than what I expected and then went for one last meal at my local.  PE makes a really good soup and salad.

And now I am in the Lobby writing this cooling off as my room is so hot and awaiting my taxi to
take me to Paddington station and off to a weeks painting in Devon.  To excited

Big Hugs From London Town

Saturday, 6 July 2019

July 6th 2019

After a Seven year break I am off to Europe again...tomorrow...... I have packed....
I have printed two copies of my itinerary...........I have more art supplies than clothes.

When I went to France I took Oil paint and it was difficult getting painting home so
last September I started taking watercolour classes.. I managed 105 paintings in
10 months.  I think I am prepaired for adventures to come.

So stay tuned for the adventure to begin