Saturday, 30 June 2012

Bon Voyage Paris

Today is my last day in Paris.  I leave on a train for the south tomorrow early and arrive in Aix-en-Provence late so will not post till Monday.

Paris has beautiful Art, Architecture, Espresso and neat Plain Trees.  I think to truly understand this
city you probably need to live here for a long time, but the cigarette smoke and dirt are very bad.  The people are very friendly and if they don't like you they ignore you like any where else in the world.

My favourite place of all was the Musee de Orsay, just the building is breathtaking much nicer interior than the Louvre, best view Mountmarte of course.  Beautiful but not Vancouver.

If you want a pretty view without the dirt look up.  This was room. I was right above the
breakfast room so everyday I awoke to the smell of espresso, not bad.

Talk in a few days  Happy July 1,st Canada

1 comment:

  1. finally i think i can post comments you are doing a great job of posting and capturing the mood of what you are doing and seeing!
