Thursday, 28 June 2012

Le chat, le tzrgeane, le Louve, et La Victoire de Samothrace

The Cat, the Gypsy, the Louvre, and the Winged Victory of Samothrace (ie: Niki)

Hi from Paris day 4, Louvre day.  A funny thing happened on the way to the Louvre, I stopped for a cafe a la at a resturant La Roundtra as I sat at the bar I heard a meow.  At the end of the bar, on the bar was a Chat(cat) eating it's milk and cat food looking at me as if to say "You are not French, go home, so I did well kinda I jumped on the Metro and headed for the Louvre.

There are a hundred bridges in Paris and as I crossed one a Gypsy with a little boy looks at me bends over and grabs something of the ground (this is pretend, I knew this scam before I came here). " Pardon Pardon" she says "You lost this gold ring".  "Piss Off" says I at least 3 times before she tried her trick on someone else.

 Finally the Louvre, no line up because it has just opened, I think but inside it is packed.  I wander aimlessly for a while and then there she is my personal angle Nike, in all her glory, luckily there is cement platforms to sit on so I could draw my lady on the left and then on the right, I snapped a photo see attached.  I wander by the Botticillie's to see what the fuss is about Mona Lisa, I love Cezanne and Manet better.

When I left the Louvre it was pouring and so I am now back at the hotel for a quick nap and more reading/research. Bon Jour Vancouver


  1. Haha. The gypsies tried the same trick on us!!

  2. remember just because there are no comments does not meanm people are not reading
