Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Wed., I Think

Hi to all today was another adventure on the Metro.  It has taken 2 days but I finally figured it out.  I made it back to the de Orsay, 3 trains before the epiphany.  I revisited my favourite Cezanne and Manet paintings and made notes for my research.  I have been diligent and read 20 pages of TJ Clark's The Painting of Modern Life.

After I left the de Orsay I wondered over to the Louvre and will go inside tomorrow.  I kept heading east and came to Notre Dame, I posted 57 or so pictures to Facebook.  My foot is still acting up and I
am still ignoring it. Tonight I hunt for a Salad, somewhere in this city someone must make a North American style salad.

I didn't make it to the department store to get a dress for Ashley I will see how tired I am after the Louvre tomorrow.

This is a picture of me missing my Jimmy.  Ta Ta for know

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