Saturday, 7 July 2012

No Jill, the Cidcia never do SHUT UP

Hi everyone,

Ops I can never get this right, These are the pictures that should appear at the bottom not the top.

By no means are these done the first 3 are paintings in progress and the bottom 3 are study's for the
fall semester

Here I am again.  Sitting in my little cabin listened to the dammmmmmm Cidcia bugs, of course it is
the males that make all the noise, need I say more.

I have had a lovely day to do studies in water colour for VAST 410 in the fall, (Visual Art Studio and Theory).  It is blazing hot and  other than the dammmmmCCCCC it is a very peaceful place.  The lady that runs the place stops by says, "Hello, have everything you need" then leaves me in peace to work.

I could get use to this.  This the first time in my life that my day to day existence didn't concern taking care of other people, a new experience, lonely at times but unique.

I am posting some pictures of work in progress by no means are these pieces any where near done, but so far this is what I have done painting wise.  I finished my critical theory books and essays that I brought and started One Hundred Years of Solitude finished chapter one this morning and it is very good so far. No TV for 6 weeks that is gonna be a record for me!

So all is well in my world and I have been invited to the BIG house for dinner tonight to meet the new owner and her extended family, Uber rich Californians won't I just fit in.

Toodles for now


  1. I love the 2nd one and ADORE the 4th. I know they're not done but they're fantastic!

  2. nope you didn'paint these this is van gough or monet i am totally impressed

  3. Amazing work Jill! I am impressed.
