Saturday, 21 July 2012

The Dinner Party, the Lunch and the Train

Bon Jour

Hello from my little log cabin in Provence.  It has been quite a week here in windy, hot, and dry Provence.  Everyday there seems to be a new challenge and everyday I miss my Jimmy more.
But I have worked fairly hard and unfortunately I have drank a bit to hard too (hence the challenges).

Monday night I was invited to a dinner party in Miramas, at an alternate lifestyle B & B.  There were 4 Women, an Ursula, a Heather and 2 Jills, one of course was me the other 8 guest were Queens.  It was very lively the food was awesome and the company great.  There were 2 quest at the B&B, and at the dinner from Vancouver.  They said they lived near the PNE.  So I said "Do you know Oxford Street, that is where I lived the first couple of months of my life."  They said in unison "Do we KNOW Oxford street that is where we live".  And the conversation went from there to they are going to Celebrities to See Ashley dance and Say "We met your mom in Provence"  sorry Ash.  The Hangover was worth the fun.

On Thursday Ursula had a lunch party for David (one of the B&B owners)  Trisian and Simon and Linda's friend Erusa and then myself and Marcus and of course herself.  The lunch was again very good, I avoided the wine and stuck to the sparkling water.  Wise decision.  We had lunch by the pool in what we would call a covered patio and of course the French have a wonderful name which I promptly forgot within seconds of hearing it.  So much for French lessons.

Friday I decided it was time to book my train ticket back to Paris as I was going on the last day of the month and I was starting to get paranoid about having a seat, last day of the month the end of some peoples holidays and such.   So after 3 attempts and 1 hour I am guaranteed a seat on a 2 hour fast train from Avignon to Paris on the 31st, yeah.  So as Linda had said she was know leaving the 26th of July and not the 31st I thought it was safe to book and so we did.

An hour later Marcus comes to  My little log cabin in Provence  and says do you want the good news or the bad.  A loaded question when of course you know you have to hear both, and immediately I go to worse possible scenario  my travellers cheques did not work, Marcus's car died, but no the worst was Linda had changed her mind again and decided to also leave on the 31st which meant I would have to drive south east for an hour and drop her off then head north west for another 2 hours to get to Avignon for me to catch my train, Linda to get her plane.  The good news TGF (Trains) emailed my confirmation on my ticket.

No cheque disaster no car disaster, but why bother with a fast train with all that hassle. So my solution was and is now confirmed I will be leaving here a week Sunday on the 29th and spending two nights in Avignon and catch the Train from there in the morning of the 31st.  Problem solved.

So today is Saturday and I had a very good morning painting.  Marcus is taking me grocery shopping for the very last time.  And so for those of you who do not have Facebook I am about to bore you again with the progress of my paintings.  Hopefully I am going to Aix-en-Provence on Tuesday or Wednesday and will have some more exciting pictures to post.  Nevertheless. although they are not finished they are almost done and  in descending order they are The Landscape, The Nude, and The Still life, voting for a favourite is allowed voting for the ugliest is not.

Bon Voyage till next Time

Toodels from Provence

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