Saturday, 14 July 2012

A trip to Arles to further explore my Door and Chat Fetishes

Bon Jour

Hello from my little French cabin in an Olive field.  On Friday, my yesterday your today, Marcus took me to Arles so I could cash some Traveller cheques.  Did I mention that the Banks in St Remy do not have cash if you want some you order it a week in advance? Anyway do not bother to bring Traveller Cheques they are hard to cash and there are Cash machines everywhere and just about everyone takes Visa.  So pay off your visa hop on a plane and come to the South of France it is beautiful.

It is beautiful, extremely hot and the villages and towns are the stuff of Faerie Tales.  Arles is an old Greek and Roman town, again charming and quaint.  When we looked at the Roman ruins I said to Marcus " my people the Plebeians built that" so I am glad to see that it still stands. All those pictures of the ruins I have seen in art history books do not hold a candle to the real thing.

I regret not being able to go on to Italy and German as I am so close but "needs must" as THEY say.  As soon as I find THEY I shall pop him on the head and let him know we are not amused.  Anyway those countries will have to wait and I should prefer to bring my Jimmie with me, I miss him and it is much more bettera to have him attend me.

Again I must thank Jessica for the camera so I can pursue my new passion for old doors and sleepy French chats.  So I am about to bore you all with another 60 or so shots of incredible French homes and yes doors, shutters, sleepy chats and the Rhone river.

This river in the days of yore separated King Henry's Kingdom of Provence from the Louie's Kingdom of France, but alias no more.   Many of my art friends will recognise the scenes of Van Gooh paintings.
He was here for many years and yes this is where he cut off his ear.  I on the other hand do not plan to sacrifice an appendage of any sort to the Gods of Painting.

Toodles for now

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